Office : Gatoen Lam, Phuentsholing : Bhutan
Plant : Pekharzing (Toribari), Pasakha : Bhutan
+975-5-252214 / +975-17818490
JT Interlocking Paver Blocks
An ISO 9001:2015 complying organisztion
Manufacturer of high quality pavement blocks and designer tiles as per IS 15658 specification
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Quality Policy
We are committed to provide high quality products and services through implementing various national and international standard procedures such as, Bhutan Standard Bureau (BSB), Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), ISO 9001, EMS14001, OSHAS 18001 & other relevant standard.
We are also committed to manufacture GNH & GDP oriented eco-friendly product by use of industrial recyclable waste, keeping an eye for preservation of our pristine environment and to fulfill our national goals for the benefits of all stakeholders.
On Time Delivery
Apart from the product offerings, we are highly efficient in processing orders and delivering transactions within stipulated time frame. Due to this, we have been able to develop prestigious bond with our clients.
Quality Commitment
In-order to deliver quality products and services as per the requirement of customer, we will participate in continual improvement process by analyzing customer’s feedback, implementing quality assurance plan for pre-inspection test at relevant stages and by use of suitable raw materials for pavement blocks and designer tiles.
Interlocking paver blocks are eco friendly product and can be laid without cement bonding.
This business is planned for providing high quality products & services to customer. We provide safe work environment to employees and keep an eye for the preservation of natural environment by recycling waste of Ferroalloys and steel industries (cyclone dust, slag fines & taping fume dust).

Gatoen Lam,